Scensei (Switzerland) GmbH is a software-defined defense boutique. We specialize in data farming adversarial joint all-domain operation scenarios via AI-driven constructive multi-agent simulation.
Our simulation libraries and tech stacks are in-house, proprietary and fully owned by us.
Part of the Swiss security-relevant technology and industry base (STIB), Scensei is partners-owned
and -operated, headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, and ITAR-free.
Founded in 2009 as a George Mason University spinoff, we have since served more than 45 clients, successfully completed over 160 projects, and built over 60 multi-agent simulations.

« Technology makes possible the revolution, but the revolution itself takes place only when new concepts of operation develop and, in many cases, new military organizations are created. »
Andrew W. Marshall
Our flagship product
OPTIMA is Scensei’s multi-agent, AI-enabled constructive simulation environment for adversarial encounters in theater level scenarios.
OPTIMA represents state-of-the-art systems and concepts in which engagement outcomes emerge from interactions of BLUE and RED courses of actions. OPTIMA simulations routinely include force packages consisting of 1000s of RED and BLUE systems, from ground to air, air defense, and electronic warfare, operating autonomously or within C2 networks.
OPTIMA's purpose
OPTIMA was designed and built as a warp-speed data farming generative battlefield-wide digital twin for joint all-domain operations that enables millions of simulations in parallel, faster than real-time.

OPTIMA arrives equipped with a library of AIs, from powerful, self-learning adversarial AIs to simpler AIs calibrated to represent human and machine behaviors.
OPTIMA fills the analytical gap between fine-grained tactical simulations and high-level scenario wargames. It is tailored for operational-level analytics and concept development and experimentation.
Selected OPTIMA use cases
Your added value from OPTIMA
For government clients
- Accelerated decision cycles.
- Shorter planning processes.
- Stress-testable decisions.
For industry clients
- Become a solution provider.
- Boost product innovation and design.
- Bolster marketing and sales.

Image created by DELL-A using OpenAI's DALL·E
Red teaming battle networks for joint all-domain operations.
Determining the optimal force mix and size for a mission across threat scenarios.
Exploring the added value of integrating new and future technologies into existing and new orbats across threat scenarios.
Future operating environment and threat scenario generation.
Working with us
We are known for short simulation rollout times, an ease-of-doing-business attitude, a one-stop shop philosophy, and value for money. We support the following business models:
Fire and forget | We cover you | You’re in control |
We run OPTIMA for you on our infrastructure | You run OPTIMA on our infrastructure | You run OPTIMA on your infrastructure |
Software as a service | Software as a service | License |
Bespoke simulation as a service | – Setup by us – Training by us – Monthly tech support included | – Setup by us – Training by us – Initial tech support included |
Firm fixed price | – Monthly subscription fee – One-time setup fee – One-time training fee | – Yearly subscription fee – One-time setup fee – One-time training fee |
Optional tech support and analytics services billed by the hour | Optional tech support and analytics services billed by the hour |